
"When Cypress Lawn first imported granite abroad, we ran into many issues with agents, suppliers and products. After hiring the right supplier to handle our sourcing and logistics, as well as learning from legal counsel how to structure our contracts and ...

"Williams k.Pao is a councel with O'Melveny & Myers LLP in Los Angeles,representing the firm's clients in a wide range of international securities and other complex commercial matters at both the trails and appellate levels ." ...

Greata Lichtanbaum is a partner in O'Melveny's Washington ,D.C office.Her practice principally relates to compliance with U.S l;aw taht governce international business transation and trade.Greta represents and advices clients and matter related to U.S.A. ...

Gabriel Shweiri is the presedent and CEO of BGI worldwideLogistics in Los Angeles. Gabriel founded BGI in 1999 with his partner to fill the need for a single source logistics firm that could deliver ocean ,air ,truck and rail shipping service domestically ...

Adam li is a partner of Jun He,a premere chinese law firm with more than 600 lawyers at nine offices in China and US.He is based in Sanghai and the Bay area.Since 1991 ,Adam has advised dozens of USA companies to enter china market and has counseled companies ...

Courtney Gould Miller is an attorney with O'Melveny & Myers LLP in Los Angeles,litigating ob behalf of international corporate clients in criminal and civil litigation in federal and state courts.She has assisted several public and private corporation with ...

One of the industry's best known and most popular convention speakers and seminars trainers.Marilyn applies her counseling ,communication skills and industry knowledge to the ares of professtional sales training , cremation counseling, customer service, andbranding. ...